What I’m Doing to Achieve Growth

Sometimes we need to take a step back and make some changes in the way we do things in order to see more growth. Although my business has been doing well, I wanted to branch out and do some different things this year. My goal was to increase my presence online in order to highlight my skills to a wider variety of people.

With that in mind, I backed off writing my blogs in order to focus my attention on my newsletter instead. (If you’re not receiving that, it’s geared toward Christian writers and offers advice, writing tips, and answers some of my subscribers questions. Check out this recent sample newsletter. I send it out twice a month and keep it short. I know your time is valuable! Click here to sign up.) I know it sounds odd to back off an online presence like a blog to focus on a smaller audience of my newsletter, but my newsletter subscribers provide a more personal interaction and, by focusing on them, I can create and build solid relationships with a wide group of people.

But I’ve not abandoned my blog. In fact, you might have seen some recent book review blogs that I’ve posted. This is my way of helping some author friends while still keeping my blog active. I hoped you’ve checked out some of those books. You’ll see more in upcoming months. I try to pick books I know my readers would also like (and that I would like too), but you might see some children’s books leak in here as well. Just know that it’s part of my mission to help other authors. If you’re not interested in those, just delete.

I’ve also posted a few more YouTube videos. (Did you know I had a YouTube channel?) My audience there is growing and I’ve received some really great feedback from a whole new audience. The videos obviously take me a lot longer than a simple blog post, so I’ve been slow in getting them posted, but I’m trying! You can check out my channel here.

Here’s one of the more popular videos.

Last, but not least, I’ve also set up a cool shop on SpreadShirt.com. As some of you know, I have a BA in Graphic Design so I like to play around with that every once in a while. Setting up this shop has given me an outlet for that. And I hope some people will like the designs enough to buy something. You can check out my shop here. This isn’t about building an audience, per se, but a way to pursue passive income while being creative in another way.

For my YouTube channel and the merch shop, I’m open to suggestions about what people would like to know or would like to buy. Be sure to leave a comment below if you have suggestions!

I’m also finishing up my book Changing Tides which will be out early next year with Elk Lake Publishing Inc. And I’m working on a second book that connects. There isn’t a title yet … it’s in the very rough stages! I had intended to take some time off at the end of this year, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Here’s hoping November and December might be that time.

As you can see, I’m focusing on several different avenues in order to see what might spark some growth for my business. These changes also help to keep things fresh for me. Sometimes we need to think outside the box and pursue things we might not understand or feel comfortable with (I’m NOT all that comfortable with the YouTube stuff yet!) in order to move the needle and stay creative.

If you’re a writer, maybe that means you need to branch out into a new critique group—in person or online. Or maybe if you normally write novels, you could try your hand at some short stories or even Christian devotionals. If you primarily write nonfiction, try your hand at fiction. Go to a poetry or open mic night and participate! Push the boundaries of your comfort zone. You never know what might come of it.

What are you doing to achieve growth or what things do you think you might try in order to grow your writing business?

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